Readings for today: Joshua 1-4, Psalms 65
When I first became a Christian, a mentor of mine encouraged me to start reading through the Bible every single year. I was twenty years old at the time. I turn 51 tomorrow which means I have now read through the Bible over thirty times. It never gets old. I always learn new things. God constantly reveals new things about Himself to me. I find my heart shaped and formed in new ways each year. I can honestly say it’s been the most significant spiritual discipline in my life. Perhaps that’s why I resonate so deeply with what God tells Joshua in the opening verses of the book that bears his name. “Above all, be strong and very courageous to observe carefully the whole instruction my servant Moses commanded you. Do not turn from it to the right or the left, so that you will have success wherever you go. This book of instruction must not depart from your mouth; you are to meditate on it day and night so that you may carefully observe everything written in it. For then you will prosper and succeed in whatever you do.” (Joshua 1:7-8 CSB)
Daily meditation on God’s Word has not only formed deep convictions within me but has also given me the courage to follow those convictions. This has been essential for me in ministry. Pastoral work is full of great joy but it also comes with its challenges. We walk with people through all kinds of different crises in their lives. Marriages fail. Families fracture. Addictions enslave. Depression and despair and suicidal ideation are more common than we know. People lose livelihoods. People lose loved ones. People walk through all kinds of grief, suffering, and pain. And it’s not just individuals but entire communities as well. Natural disasters strike. Pandemics hit. Violence breaks out. Ethnic and class strife cause all kinds of conflict. Recessions create all kinds of financial pressure. I’ve had to lead through all of these and more over the course of my career. And then there are the personal crises. We are not immune from pain and suffering just because we are pastors. I’ve faced several crises in my marriage and with my kids over the years. It’s not been easy but God has been faithful through it all. He has given me strength and courage to continue following Him despite my circumstances.
God’s promises if we will love Him and obey Him that we will prosper and succeed in whatever we do. I have found this to be true in my life for sure. Of course, this meant I had to change my definitions of prosperity and success. God doesn’t give as the world gives. He doesn’t define these things according to the world’s values. We must learn to see them through His eyes. We must learn to define them according to the values of the Kingdom of God. Prosperity is not about gaining all kinds of material wealth. It’s about relationships. It’s about having enough to be generous. It’s about contentment and fulfillment. Success is not about climbing the corporate ladder or always winning the trophy or being able to retire early. It’s about making an eternal impact on the world around us. Reaching the lost with the good news of the gospel and serving the least resourced in the name of Jesus.
I still remember when the Holy Spirit gave me even deeper insight into this passage a few years ago. I was meditating on it and I asked God to give me an example of what godly strength and courage, godly prosperity and success looked like. He showed me Jesus. In a flash it hit me…Jesus is the Word of God. On Him I should meditate day and night so that I might carefully observe all He has commanded me. I should not turn to the right or to the left in following after Him. Friends, all the promises of God find their “yes and amen” in Him! All the blessings of God are but the byproducts of being in His presence. Spend daily time with Jesus and let Him fill you with what you need in this life.
Readings for tomorrow: Joshua 5-8, Psalms 66